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Soul Fly Buddies

Soul Fly Buddies Blog - Jack

Updated: Oct 22, 2023

“It’s nice to have a friend that you don’t always have to do something huge with…”

Socialisation is tough for someone with a learning disability at the best of times, but lockdown adds a whole new level of challenge.Myself and my buddy Brendan kept in touch throughout the lockdown by FaceTiming each other.

In the past three months (since lockdown ended) I have gone to see Uncharted in 4DX as well as getting lunch and a beer at my local pub with Brendan, both for different reasons. In the case of Uncharted, I’d gone through something challenging in my personal life and the movies are my personal safe haven - and I was glad I got to share that with Brendan. The highlight of 4DX is easily watching people’s reaction to the sudden and intense motion of the experience.

In the case of the pub, It was to celebrate getting my first proper job - and Brendan was more than ready to share in that success. It’s nice to have a friend that you don’t always have to do something huge with, just someone you can have a beer and a laugh with.

What these occasions both demonstrate is your buddy is someone that can always make time for you through the good and the bad. My life wouldn’t be half as enjoyable as it is without Brendan and Gig Buddies in it.


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