Welcome to Gig Buddies Sydney

What people are saying about Gig Buddies

"Ben and I, we are two peas in a pod! We are close mates now and meet up regularly for a catch up over a few pints of Guinness and hit a comedy show"
Who is Gig Buddies for?

Who is it for?
A Gig Buddies participant is an adult (18 years and older) with mild to moderate learning disability and/or autism, who wants to make new friends and do fun stuff.
A Gig Buddies volunteer is someone who wants to expand their social circles, make friends, support a person with a disability and do fun things.
How "Buddying" works
The Gig Buddies team matches and pairs a volunteer and an adult with a mild to moderate learning disability and/or autism.
Buddies are paired based on mutual interests - such as music tastes, sport and hobbies - and other factors such as location and age.
Once paired, buddies go out together once a month for a year (or longer).
Click here for FAQs - Frequently Asked Questions.
What do buddies do together?
Buddied-up participants and volunteers catch up once a month and choose the "gigs" they both want to go to together.
A "gig" is whatever you want it to be.
It can be...
opera, theatre, sport, bushwalking, bowling, movies, having dinner, playing pool, surfing, food markets, musical theatre, go cart racing, horse riding, dancing, video games, train spotting, mini golf etc...
the NDIS
Gig Buddies and the NDIS
The Gig Buddies project is a not-for-profit initiative.
The standard monthly charge to support the project is 3 hours per month from Core Support or Capacity Building.
Buddy Pairing (monthly catch-ups)
The monthly administration charge covers the process of pairing up gig buddies and ongoing support.
Paired gig buddies then catch up once a month for a year (or more).
(buddies pay for their own tickets, food and drinks when catching-up)
Group Socials
The monthly charge also includes access to the many Gig Buddies hosted Group Socials
(*some hosted socials have additional charges)
the Gig Buddies project is user-led

Stavros, Lachlan, Bevan, Nalyn, Alex, Jack, Audrey and Karen
The Soul Fly Buddies
(Gig Buddies' user-led advisory team)
We are an advisory group of participants set up to oversee and advise the Gig Buddies project. We catch up monthly and help shape the Gig Buddies project going forward.