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Soul Fly Buddies

Soul Fly Buddies Blog - Lachy

Updated: Oct 22, 2023

"….We saw Used and Papa Roach at the Hordern….”

“My mother and I went to Dubbo for a few days recently for a mini holiday and to explore a bit. We spent two days at the Zoo and I used my companion card so my mother and I paid $16 for the two day ticket. That was a good start! I had fun feeding the giraffes, which is an extra thing you have to pay for. They were very big and a bit slobbery when I fed them the carrots that the keeper gave me, but they were very cute and lots of fun. One was a particularly greedy guts!

Then we went to an old house run by the National Trust which was very interesting except for the bit when I hit my head on the low veranda roof and nearly knocked myself out. I’m OK now though.

The Old Dubbo Gaol is interesting but a bit depressing with all the stories of what happened there in the old days. We went inside some of the small cells and the hospital room. The gallows are still in the middle which is a bit gruesome.

Before Dubbo I went to a great concert with buddies Sherie and Eddie. We saw Used and Papa Roach at the Hordern Pavilion, and then we had a very late night snack of Korean BBQ at midnight in Chinatown. I didn’t get home until about 2am.

One of my side projects is administering various FB groups and that keeps me busy. Some of the things I do is catching people putting up TV episodes or whole movies and this breaches the copyright law and if FB found out they would close down the group for good.

The other job is being on the lookout for nasty trolls who pick fights with people for absolutely no reason. When we do catch them we have to ban them from the groups."

- Lachy, Soul Fly Buddies

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