Thanks to everyone who joined us at Goros on Saturday for our Christmas party.

A wonderful time was had by all as we celebrated with karaoke, Japanese cuisine and Christmas jumpers.

To see the full gallery from Saturday, load up our link here.
That’s it in terms of social events for 2017, but we will be back in the new year - beginning with the Sydney Festival in January.
Last week we revealed details of two free gigs we’re attending: Lords of Strut: Absolute Legends on Friday 12th January, and Trygve Wakenshaw: Nautilus on Saturday 27th.
We've had an overwhelming response, with only one ticket remaining to the latter and we've three spots left for the event on the 12th.
We’re also excited to announce that on Friday 19th January we’re venturing to Hyde Park to check out Meriton Village’s “freaky fun park of wild, wonderful and bizarre experiences”.
Come and join us for a night of food, drink and live entertainment. If you want to ‘belt out Bohemian Rhapsody onboard a pogoing unicorn’ courtesy of the Karaoke Carousel, take a trip in a Ghost Train, have a 10 minute rave in a shipping container, boogie in a glitter filled cube, or play ‘pinball musical instruments’, this night is for you.
The invites are open to all. Whether paired up or not, come and join your fellow gig buddies for a night of summer fun. To reserve your spot get in touch via email,, or call us at the office: 02 9419 6951
Matthew Collins
Gig Buddies Sydney Community Engagement Coordinator
Would you like more information about Gig Buddies Sydney? You’re only a click away. Connect with us via the links below.
Fancy reveling in legendary status? If so, please support us in our cause to get more people out to live events in Sydney. Donations over $2 are tax deductible and all are gratefully received.
Gig Buddies Sydney is an initiative of ACL Disability Services